Thursday, May 19, 2016

Student Blog Post-Top 10 4th Grade Memories :)

10. Elephant toothpaste experiment
9. Building paper rockets
8. Refraction science experiment
7. Milk fireworks experiment
6. "Around the World in 40 Days" PBL -Build a Beak station in the Rainforest Room
5. Class parties with 3rd grade little sisters
4. Learning from novels we read
3. Meeting Mrs. Burns' puppy Maddie
2. Making our classroom look like a rainforest
1. Learning with friends and my teacher!! :)

-By: Hannah Dunn

Saturday, May 14, 2016

FUN FRIDAY...Relay for Life and Muffins with Mom

We had a wonderful Friday supporting a great cause at the OES Mini Relay for Life! 

"In pursuit of a CURE"

The cutest dominoes around :)

We love you, Mrs. Johnson!! You are such an inspiration!

We also enjoyed an extra sweet morning at "Muffins with Mom." :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

We want to SPARK fun learning!!

Dear Parents,

Please help to continue to spread the word about our Donors Choose project for electricity kits and magnets! I am hoping to get this funded soon (*by this Friday*) so that it will ship by the end of the year for the girls to use! They would absolutely love them :)

Thank you so much for your support!!

Click HERE for the link!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Week at a Glance-Week of April 18th-22nd

Ride the Weekly Wave:
Math-We will be reviewing for SC Ready testing and geometry this week.

Reading-We will test on the novel Shiloh, continue book clubs, and review for SC Ready this week. **Look for snack letters J

ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we will practice using a checklist for SC Ready writing. 

Social Studies- We will begin learning about the Civil War this week. 

Science- We will wrap up our Electricity/Magnetism unit this week through hands on inquiry activities as we explore magnets and test on electricity.

Anchor Down for Upcoming Tests:

·       Thursday- Geometry Review Test (Review Geometry booklet)
·       Thursday- FINAL Shiloh Test *Review Shiloh notes in reading notebook
·       Friday- Electricity Test (*Study circuits and conductors v insulators notes in science notebook)
·       Friday-Math 4 Today #28 Test *Review Math 4 Today practice sheet

 Homework for the Week:
(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

·       **Return graded papers by Tuesday** (Sent home Monday)
·       There will not be written homework to leave time to review for weekly tests
·       Read 2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night

 AHOY…Announcements Ahead!

·       Thursday, April 21st at 6:30- PTA/Fine Arts Night
·       SC READY Testing NEXT WEEK April 26th-28th 
·       *Tuesday-Writing
·       *Wednesday-Reading
·       *Thursday-Math
·       Wednesday, April 27th-4th Quarter Interim Reports sent home
·       Save the Date-SC PASS Testing Week of May 9th-13th
·       *Wednesday, May 11th- PASS Science
·       *Thursday, May 12th- PASS Social Studies

·       May 13th-4th Grade Muffins with Mom @ 7:00 AM
·       May 20th- Field Day
·       May 23rd- School Cookout
·       May 24th- 4th Grade Fun Day and 6:30 PM Graduation @ BSMS
·       May 30th- Memorial Day (*No school*)
·       May 31st- ½ Day *Last Day of School* (4th Quarter Report Cards mailed home)
Crew Member of the Week Check out Hannah’s tweets! @mrsburns19girls
Hannah Dunn is our star student this week for always staying positive and working hard no matter what! She shows HUMILITY, PATIENCE, and POSITIVITY! I am so proud of you!! Way to go Hannah!!! J

100 BC Goals

Saturday, April 9, 2016


For growing in MAP Reading testing this year, the 4th grade decided to have some fun new incentives!  Students could participate in Sports Day or Spa Day! Here's a sneak peek into Spa Day...

Manicures were complete with soaking, lotion, and painting by friends or teachers!

Mighty Girl Mentor-All About Nutrition

A huge thank you to Mrs. Dardeau, a dietician, and her 5th grade helpers for teaching us all about nutrition and how to make healthy choices!

We loved creating healthy snacks, and using our taste buds to guess sweet and sour foods! It was also so much fun to do it with our 3rd grade little sisters in Mrs. Hall's class!

Wonder Room-Animal Adaptations and Habitats

The girls had a great time creating their own habitats around the world to review what we have learned in our Animals unit! Thank you Watershed at USC Upstate!

Look...a prairie dog like Lewis and Clark discovered!