Sunday, August 24, 2014

Week 2 Announcements

It's hard to believe that the first week of school FLEW by, here are some reminders/announcements and what we will be focusing on as we get ready to "sail" into week two!!

Weekly Announcements
  • Check your daughter's week 2 edition of "The Weekly Bubble" for announcements on upcoming tests, assignments, 100 BC Goals and activities. We will have a Science Test on "Process Skills" on Friday.
  • Remember to have your child wear tennis shoes on *Tuesday* for PE!
  • Monday, September 1st is Labor Day-NO SCHOOL!
  • Graded papers will be sent home starting this week every *Monday!*
  • Our "Super Surfer of the Week" for Week 1 is EMMA MIZE!! She showed kindness and perseverance all week long, and she also posted on the blog about her favorite "wonder!" Way to go, Emma! :)

"Ride the Weekly Wave" (August 25th-29th)

Math-We will be exploring place value positions of digits using base 10 blocks and how place value affects the value of a digit. We will also be looking at how many ways a number can be represented (base 10, expanded form, word form, etc.)

Reading-We will be continuing our “Choose Kind” PBL as we keep reading the novel Wonder and look at different genres related to kindness/bullying. We are discussing various quotes throughout the novel to use our comprehension and critical thinking skills. We are also integrating related vocabulary words and figurative language.  

ELA/Writing-In a “Writer’s Workshop” format, we will be continuing to explore various mentor texts for memoirs to  write our very own memoirs. We are integrating figurative language, “hooks,” and transition words into our writing this week.

Social Studies-We will be reviewing the Land Bridge Theory and beginning to learn about and research where the Native American cultural groups are located and what the differences are between the groups.

Science-We are continuing to practice using our process skills of qualitative/quantitative observation and learning about how to make inferences. We will be practicing the difference between each process skill and making observations, inferences, and predictions about pictures/videos. We will test on these process skills this Friday

As promised, to start off the week, here are a few pictures from my wedding day on August 2nd!

Parents/Guardians and Students...our WONDER of the week is We will be discussing this wonder in class, but please also watch at home to discuss. 

Post a comment-What are your thoughts and what did you learn??

Mrs. Burns

Fabulous First Week of Fourth Grade!

On Friday, the girls shared adjectives of our first week of school together, and some of the adjectives were: exciting, tremendous, and adventurous. I would also like to add fabulous to the list!

Here are some pictures to show you why...

Each girl created and shared "What Makes You Sail" as a get to know you activity about what inspires them. 

In Writing, we explored mentor texts for memoirs and began brainstorming our own. In Math, the girls did an amazing job working together on multiplication strategies and problem solving!

In Science, we explored the process skills of making predictions and observations! To practice these skills, the girls experimented with gummy bears in different liquids to observe and measure how they changed. 

The gummy bear grew the most in regular water!

We also practiced comparing our predictions to our observations when we observed a color explosion in milk! Some of the girls asked about doing it at home, and here is the link to the experiment activity: Milk Color Explosion Activity 

To learn about the "Land Bridge Theory" in Social Studies, we created our very own models! During the Ice Age, glaciers formed, water level dropped and exposed a "bridge" of land that the hunter gatherers used to cross over from Asia to North America. Here are the land bridges being formed: 

According to the Land Bridge Theory, after the Ice Age, the glaciers that had formed MELTED and the water level , and we no longer have the land bridge. Our "glaciers" were ice cubes. 

We also began our bullying unit by making a K.I.N.D.N.E.S.S. banner and bracelet, and we began reading our novel Wonder

PARENTS, ask your daughter to show you her bracelet/keychain, and ask her what each color means!! :)

What an exciting, tremendous, adventurous, fabulous week it was!