Monday, August 19, 2013

First Day of School!

Welcome to fourth grade!!!

I could not be more thrilled to have the privilege of teaching 20 precious 4th graders! We all began the day with a few first day jitters but quickly got adjusted and began to let our talents and personalities shine!

We started the day taking a tour of the classroom, creating our classroom expectations, and setting up all of our supplies to help us have a fun, successful year!

Here is a picture of our classroom expectations that each student helped create and signed:

In Science, we had a lot of fun creating "The Thing" out of toothpicks and gum drops,  where we learned about the importance of making and communicating detailed observations. Only one student from each group could see "The Thing" and tell the others in the group how many supplies they needed and how to construct it.

We also created a class "What If..." poem about the what if's of 4th grade based on the poem "What If" by Shel Silverstein. ( 

We had a great first day, and we have an exciting journey ahead!!

Miss Lockridge

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