Saturday, November 2, 2013

"We Change the World"

"Class of 2022, how will YOU change the world?" is a question posted in our classroom, and the students worked incredibly hard the first nine weeks to create "action plans" to make a difference in their school, communities, churches, and neighborhoods and reduce their carbon footprint. 

They 1. Found and researched a problem. 2. Created a plan of action in their community. 3. Documented their action plans through pictures, videos, scrapbooks, journals, etc. and looked at the benefits and possible problems. 3. Listed their plan step by step. 4. Made a difference!!

Here are some our students presenting their "Action Plans." Come to OES to see our action plans on display on the 4th grade hall!

Red Ribbon Week!

For Red Ribbon Week, we had a theme each day for having a bright future and being drug free! 

We dressed up in our "Dream Career" outfits! 

Football player, doctor, bio-scientist, veterinarian, race car driver, soldier, dancer, you name it!

We even got to have role model football players from Boiling Springs High School come to our classroom and inspire us to dream big and work hard to be drug f.r.e.e.

Here they are talking to our class!

"How long have you been playing football?" "What is the farthest distance you've kicked?" "How did you become a football player?"

We even had a pep talk video from the "Kid President!"

"Red Ribbon week on three..1-2-3 RED RIBBON WEEK!"

We are so proud of our Fourth Grade "All Stars" at awards day! Thumbs up for hard work and always doing your best!

A huge congratulations to Abril and Ishmael for being the first nine weeks "Terrific Kids" from our class!!