Monday, September 29, 2014

Week of September 29th

See what's going on in Room 402 this week!!

Ride the Weekly Wave:

Math-We will be continuing to practice regrouping with subtraction using different strategies like base 10 blocks, number lines, and the standard algorithm. We will have a quiz on subtraction on Wednesday!


Reading-We will be continuing our novel study of the book WONDER this week as we continue analyzing character traits. In our “Choose Kind” PBL, we will be reading articles and practicing comprehension skills to introduce our BUDDY BENCH!


ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we are practicing using the friendly letter format to write bullying advice letters to 2nd graders, and we are practicing using quotation marks correctly. We are also looking at how to write “Letters to an Editor.”


Social Studies-We are wrapping up our Explorer’s unit and testing on Tuesday. We will start learning about the Columbian Exchange and how it impacted Native Americans and Europeans through some hands-on activities.  


Science-We are finishing up learning about the classification of organisms, and we are testing on Wednesday. We will start learning about how humans and animals use their senses to survive!

Set Sail for…Upcoming Tests/Projects:


  • Wednesday- Math Quiz on Subtracting Numbers with regrouping (*Study notes in Math notebook)
  • Wednesday- Science Test on classifying organisms (*Study notes in Science notebook)
  • Tuesday Social Studies Test on Explorers (*Study flashcard foldable and study guide in Social Studies notebook)
  • Friday-Reading Test on WONDER Character Traits (*Study character traits notes in Reading notebook)
  • Next Monday-Language Test on Quotation Marks

Homework for the Week:

(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

  • Read  2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night
  • Review for Math quiz, Social Studies, and Science tests 
  • Return Signed Papers by Tuesday *sent home Monday*
  • Buddy Bench Reading Articles through the week

News from the Beach:              
-Please remember to send any soda can pull tabs, box tops, ink cartridges, etc. to earn money for our school.


Upcoming Events:  
October 10th-Buddy Bench Reveal

100 Book Challenge Goals

  Good: 72 steps

  Better: 140 steps

Sunday, September 28, 2014

"We're off to see the FOREST, the wonderful magical forest..."

We had such an amazing day of excitement and learning on our field trip to the Magic Wood Forest fair! Recycling and landfills and how paper is made, oh my!!

Can forest fires be good?? Why yes they can if they are controlled and for the good of the forest! Here is a "Forest Fireman."

Do trees need doctors?

Here is the "tree doctor" telling us how we can take care of trees and learn about them!

How is paper made?? We learned about how to make paper from lumber and made our very own!

Making our own paper!

Why is recycling good for our world??

How is life in the Forest connected-we made our very own web of life in the forest!

How does the forest help us? It gives us jobs!

Saying goodbye with our goody bags and t-shirts!

Students/parents-what did you learn about the forest from our field trip?? Post a comment below!!


  • Mayra-I learned the forst cleans our water. 
  • Kaitlyn-I learned that there is good kinds of fires and bad kinds of fires. 
  • Peyton-I learned something new at magic forest fair. I learned that there was a tree doctor and that it takes 25 trees to build a house and plant 5 back. I learned how to make paper. 
  • Kathryn-I learned that recycling is good for the environment. If you don't recycle it will hurt the world. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week of September 22

Check out what's happening this week in room 402!!

Ride the Weekly Wave:
Math-We will be continuing to practice our multiplication facts at home this week using flashcards. We will review addition strategies and learn about different strategies to solve larger subtraction problems using regrouping. We are testing on subtraction this week!

Reading-We will be continuing our novel study of the book WONDER this week as we analyze specific character traits in the book using evidence from the text. Our KINDNESS focus of the week for our “Choose Kind” PBL is respecting others and their differences.

ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we are reviewing and practicing using quotation marks in our writing. We are also finishing up our friendly letters and writing letters to second graders to give them advice about bullying situations!

Social Studies-We are continuing our unit on explorers as we  write diary entries from the perspective of explorers and make our very own “explorer cards” in the format of baseball cards to trade with friends!

Science-We are starting a new unit on ORGANISMS as we look at how and why to classify different types of organisms through hands-on activities. We are exploring different wonders about animals using Stay tuned for what we learn on our classroom blog!

News from the Beach:                      
-Please remember to send any soda can pull tabs, box tops, ink cartridges, etc. to earn money for our school.

Upcoming Events:  
·       Tuesday, September 23rd-
“Readers ARRGGGHHH Leaders” --Dress like a pirate day!!
·       October 1st-Fall Picture forms due

Super Surfer of the Week

Peyton is the student of the week for showing CRITICAL THINKING and CREATIVITY in the classroom! J

100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 61 steps
  Better: 120 steps

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


This week, we are focusing on "Random Acts of Kindness" in our CHOOSE KIND PBL, and each morning we start the day during our Morning Meeting with sharing our random acts of kindness that we have done to fill our "Kindness Meter." Every day has had a different focus, including: family, 4th grader who you don't really know, someone you don't know, and staff at OES.

The goal for the week is to reach 100 acts of kindness!!

KINDNESS METER getting filled up

Madison showing off her annotating and summarizing skills for a "Random Acts of Kindness" article

Our morning meeting sharing our random acts of kindness

Here are a couple of WONDEROPOLIS videos that we have wondered about then share what we learn: 

PARENTS/STUDENTS....Watch/discuss the videos, and share your random acts of kindness that your student is doing below!!

The Many Faces of WONDER

As we are reading our novel WONDER, we have been learning about all of the different character traits for the characters in the story. Each 4th grade class was given one character's face to fill with the character traits we have been learning about!

Our class had the character Miranda!

The "many faces of Wonder" are displayed on the 4th grade hall!

"Exclamation Point!"

Dr. Patterson came to read to our class, and he read "Exclamation Mark" by Amy Krouse. This book goes along GREAT with our "Choose Kind" PBL because it is a story about a misplaced exclamation mark who feels different among regular period punctuation, but a question mark reaches out and helps him discover that being different makes him special and exciting!!

We loved having Dr. Patterson visit and share with us!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Week of September 15th

Take a GLANCE at what is going on this week in room 402 :)

Ride the Weekly Wave:
Math-We will be continuing to practice our multiplication facts at home this week using flashcards. We will learn how to compare numbers as inequalities and equalities, and we will learn how to add larger numbers using various strategies. We will have a quiz on addition this week!

Reading-We will be continuing our novel study of the book WONDER this week as we look at using background knowledge to make meaning from the text. In our “Choose Kind” PBL, we will be annotating various texts and videos to make inferences and take action to show random acts of kindness!

ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we are learning about the friendly letter format and how to write friendly letters to custodians in our school, invite parents to PTA open house, and write to Disney princesses!

Social Studies-We are continuing our new unit on explorers as we research early explorers and their accomplishments. We are also integrating reading and writing skills as we write memoirs from the perspective of different explorers and look at primary/secondary sources about explorers.

Science-3-2-1 BLAST OFF!!! We are reviewing Science Safety Procedures and the scientific method as we graph and analyze the data from last week’s rocket experiment. We are also starting a new unit on ORGANISMS as we look at how and why to classify different types of organisms. 

         News from the Beach:                      
-Please remember to send any soda can pull tabs, box tops, ink cartridges, etc. to earn money for our school.

Upcoming Events:  
·       Tuesday, September 16th- PTA Open House @ 6:30
·       Thursday, September 18th- Interim Reports
·       Friday, September 19th- FIELD TRIP to Magic Wood Forest Festival **Turn in permission forms and money ASAP!! J Look for a reminders letter going home Monday!

Set Sail for…Upcoming Tests/Projects:

·       Thursday- Math Quiz on Adding Larger numbers (study addition notes in Math notebook)
·       Thursday- Reading Test on WONDER vocabulary and character traits (study vocabulary words from T.I.P.S. chart and note cards, character traits notes in WONDER reading packet)
·       Thursday Science Test on Safety Procedures and Simple Scientific Investigation (Study notes in Science notebook)

Homework for the Week:
(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

·       Read  2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night
·       Review for Math quiz, Reading and Science tests  
·       STUDY Math Multiplication Flashcards *each* night for 10 minutes, and sign/return studying log
·       Return Signed Papers by Tuesday *sent home Monday*
·       Random Acts of Kindness signed log

100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 50 steps 
   Better: 100 steps

***Super Surfer of the Week***

Zion is the student of the week for showing LEADERSHIP in the classroom!  She always works hard and encourages others never to give up! J

Saturday, September 13, 2014

3, 2, 1 BLAST OFFFF!!!

We are scientists!!

To practice each step of a simple scientific investigation, we built and launched ROCKETS!

We began by creating a testable question, researching some background information about rockets, and making predictions about how far the rockets would launch! Our testable question was-"How long should a paper rocket cylinder be to make the rocket launch the farthest distance?" The girls made predictions about-If I made the rocket ---- inches, my rocket will launch ---- feet. 

Next, we gathered our materials and came up with steps to create our rockets.

After gathering our paper, rulers, etc. we were ready to start building!

After getting our rockets measured, decorated, and launch-ready, we were ready to blast off!!

We used the launcher to launch our rockets and measure the distance that they traveled! Which would travel farther-rockets with a longer or a shorter distance??

A huge shout-out to Jadyn's mom and Kassidy's mom who helped us with measuring the rocket's distance and setting up the launcher!! :)

3, 2, 1...BLAST OFFFFF!!

Stay tuned to see how our predictions compared to the results and see how we graphed our results and looked for patterns!