Monday, September 29, 2014

Week of September 29th

See what's going on in Room 402 this week!!

Ride the Weekly Wave:

Math-We will be continuing to practice regrouping with subtraction using different strategies like base 10 blocks, number lines, and the standard algorithm. We will have a quiz on subtraction on Wednesday!


Reading-We will be continuing our novel study of the book WONDER this week as we continue analyzing character traits. In our “Choose Kind” PBL, we will be reading articles and practicing comprehension skills to introduce our BUDDY BENCH!


ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we are practicing using the friendly letter format to write bullying advice letters to 2nd graders, and we are practicing using quotation marks correctly. We are also looking at how to write “Letters to an Editor.”


Social Studies-We are wrapping up our Explorer’s unit and testing on Tuesday. We will start learning about the Columbian Exchange and how it impacted Native Americans and Europeans through some hands-on activities.  


Science-We are finishing up learning about the classification of organisms, and we are testing on Wednesday. We will start learning about how humans and animals use their senses to survive!

Set Sail for…Upcoming Tests/Projects:


  • Wednesday- Math Quiz on Subtracting Numbers with regrouping (*Study notes in Math notebook)
  • Wednesday- Science Test on classifying organisms (*Study notes in Science notebook)
  • Tuesday Social Studies Test on Explorers (*Study flashcard foldable and study guide in Social Studies notebook)
  • Friday-Reading Test on WONDER Character Traits (*Study character traits notes in Reading notebook)
  • Next Monday-Language Test on Quotation Marks

Homework for the Week:

(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

  • Read  2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night
  • Review for Math quiz, Social Studies, and Science tests 
  • Return Signed Papers by Tuesday *sent home Monday*
  • Buddy Bench Reading Articles through the week

News from the Beach:              
-Please remember to send any soda can pull tabs, box tops, ink cartridges, etc. to earn money for our school.


Upcoming Events:  
October 10th-Buddy Bench Reveal

100 Book Challenge Goals

  Good: 72 steps

  Better: 140 steps

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