Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Shiloh Book Reviews

Let's hear from a few of the book experts in room 402 about how they would rate the novel, Shiloh, that our class recently read!

Shiloh will sweep you off your feet and makes you want to read more .I would rate Shiloh 4 out of 5 stars because it teaches you a moral and it makes you think about your actions. Marty, Dad ,Ma ,Dara Lynn, Becky, Shiloh ,and Judd Travers are the characters in this book . The plot is Marty wants to keep Shiloh. The conflict in the story is Marty wants to keep Shiloh but doesn’t know how. The resolution is Marty works for Judd to save favorite part is when Marty keeps working for Judd to save Shiloh and it shows if you want something you got to work for it. The author does a good job making you think.

-By: Jessica

I would rate Shiloh 5 out of 5 stars because it is a heart warming about protecting a dog. The characters are Judd Travers, Marty, Shiloh, Mom, Dad, and Doctor. The plot is that Marty wants to keep Shiloh. The conflict is that Judd Travers is being mean to Shiloh and the resolution is that Marty tries to hide Shiloh to keep him then earns him. My favorite part about the book is that Marty loves Shiloh to death. The author Philip Reynolds Naylor does a great job at making the feelings sad and overwhelming.
-By: Madison

My favorite part is when Marty works super hard just to buy Shiloh. 
The author Phillip Reynolds Naylor does a great job at doing supporting details. I would rate Shiloh a 5 out of 5 stars because the book is just such a good supporting writing story.
-By: Cassy

Shiloh Book Review
My favorite part is when Marty gets to keep Shiloh. The author Phillip Reynolds Naylor does a great job entertaining the readers. I would rate Shiloh 5 out of 5 stars.The characters are Marty, Judd, and Shiloh.
-By: Emma Mize

I would rate Shiloh 5 out of 5 stars because it’s a heart warming story, and the plot is all about saving Shiloh and how to free him. The conflict is about how to keep Shiloh Marty solves that the problem by working for Judd . My favorite part is when Marty gets to keep Shiloh . The author is Phillip Reynolds Naylor . He does a great job of giving voice to the writing . Over all the story is about giving kindness to everyone .
-By: Emma Moroz

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Week of April 27th

Ride the Weekly Wave:
Math-We will be preparing for and taking the ACT Aspire test this Thursday! 

Reading-We will be preparing for and taking the ACT Aspire test this Wednesday!

ELA/Writing-We will be preparing for and taking the ACT Aspire test this Tuesday!

Social Studies-We will be learning all about the Civil War and beginning our end of the year review!

Science- We are finishing our meteorologist presentations and doing science station activities using weather maps and data!

 Set Sail for…Upcoming Tests/Projects:
·       ACT Testing THIS WEEK!! (See schedule below in reminders)
·       PASS Testing NEXT WEEK!! (See schedule below in reminders)
 Homework for the Week:
(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

·       Read 2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night
·       NO written HW or other studying due to testing
·       Parents, Starting this Thursday after ACT testing, students will receive a PASS study log. Please make sure that they study *30 minutes* in Science and Social Studies every night (including the weekend)!!

News from the Beach:

Upcoming Events:  
·       April 28th- Interim Reports go home
·       April 28th-30th ACT Aspire Testing
·       Tuesday-ELA/Writing
·       Wednesday-Reading
·       Thursday-Math
·       May 7th-8th PASS Testing
·       Thursday-Science
·       Friday-S. Studies
·       Muffins with Mom has changed to the week of May 11th  (4th grade is on Friday, May 15th)

Super Surfer of the Week

Zion Hughes is our star student this week for showing the character traits of POSITIVITY, KINDNESS, and PROBLEM-SOLVING in the classroom this week!! Zion never, ever complains, and she uplifts everyone around her! She is an incredibly hard-worker who always does her best! Way to be a mighty girl and a leader, Zion!! 

100 BC Goals


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Week of April 20th

Ride the Weekly Wave:

Math-We will continue using the U.S. customary system of measurement to make conversions in problem solving this week, and we will practice using time and distance! We will test on conversions on Friday.  

Reading-We will conclude our BOOK CLUBS as the girls finish discussing the story elements for their book! There will be a story elements test this week on book club reading. Thank you for all of your support with making book clubs a wonderful success!! We will continue book clubs in May after testing!

ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we will continue looking at “on-demand” writing through different strategies to best prepare for the upcoming ACT Inspire Writing Test and how to use adverbs.

Social Studies-We will review Westward Expansion explorers and the map and test this week. Also, we will finish a territorial acquisition poster project and go on a QR code scavenger hunt to learn all about the abolitionists!

Science- We are finishing our unit on weather as we review and test about severe weather and become our very own meteorologists as we use weather data and maps to explain the weather!

 Set Sail for…Upcoming Tests/Projects:

·       Wednesday-Science Test on Severe Weather
·       Thursday- Math Test on Customary Measurement and Conversions
·       Friday-Social Studies Test on Westward Expansion notes (*not territorial acquisition notes…this test grade will be an in class poster project)
·       Friday-Book Club Story Elements Test (*Study book club story elements sheet*)

Homework for the Week:

(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

·       Read 2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night
·       Study Science notes, Math notes, SS notes, and book club story elements
·       Math conversions HW sheets
·       SS Westward expansion HW practice

News from the Beach:

Upcoming Events:  
·       April 24th- School Spirit Day
·       April 28th- Interim Reports go home
·       April 28th-30th ACT Aspire Testing (Writing, Reading, Math)
·       May 7th-8th PASS Testing (Science, S. Studies)
·       Muffins with Mom has changed to the week of May 11th  (4th grade is on Friday, May 15th)

 Super Surfer of the Week

Mayra Santiago-Cedillo is our star student this week for showing the character traits of PERSEVERANCE and  POSITIVITY classroom this week!! Mayra is an extremely hard-working girl who never gives up and tries her hardest every time! She always stays positive and is a role model to others! Way to go Mayra!! 

 100 BC Goals


...Because I'm all about that book club!


One of the best things about book clubs is that the students get to have a voice and choice in what they read. They are so much more motivated to read when they have ownership over their book, and it is about a topic that interests them. The girls ask almost every morning..."Is it time for book clubs yet?" They are always excited about reading and sharing what they learn to their group!

Here are the book clubs in our classroom: 

Riding to Freedom by: Pam Munoz Ryan

(Hallie, Mayra, Kaitlyn)

Bridge to Terabithia by: Katherine Paterson

(Zion, Valerie, Emma Moroz, Peyton, Cassy, Jessica)

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by: Judy Blume


(Katherine, Madison, Morgan, Alyssa, Kassidy)

The BFG by: Roald Dahl

(Carolyn, Reagan, Jadyn, Emma Mize)


Each girl has her own job within the book club that she is responsible to complete and share by Friday, and I will let the students blog more details about the job descriptions and responsibilities!

Book Club Jobs: 
Discussion Director
Adventuring Artist
Literary Luminary
Stellar Summarizer
Word Wizard 


The girls love bringing healthy snacks every Friday just like a real book club! The discussion and fun that they have together has inspired the girls to have a contagious excitement for reading :) 


Check out the book clubs collaborating and  discussing the story elements from their book! Collaboration is a skill that the girls will be able to use the rest of their lives. Way to make me such a proud teacher, girls!!

Morgan and Kassidy are discussing the plot of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.

Zion is the discussion director of her book club, and she is leading a discussion about the protagonist and antagonist of Bridge to Terabithia. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Week of April 13th

Welcome back!! I hope that all of you had a wonderful and restful spring break!

Ride the Weekly Wave:
Math-We will continue using the U.S. customary system of measurement to make conversions in problem solving this week!

Reading-We will conclude our BOOK CLUBS and mini-lessons through the novel Shiloh as we look at character traits, story elements, foreshadowing, predictions, and inferences. ! Book club reading will count as 100 BC Tuesday-Thursday. Book Clubs have been a hit, and check your assigned Friday for snacks J Thanks so much to parents for providing book club snacks!!

ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we will continue looking at “on-demand” writing through different strategies to best prepare for the upcoming ACT Inspire Writing Test.

Social Studies-We will continue our Westward Expansion unit as we learn about early pioneers and their motives and territorial acquisition!

Science- We are continuing our unit on weather as we learn about severe weather and become our very own meteorologists as we use weather data and maps to explain the weather!

Set Sail for…Upcoming Tests/Projects:
·       Friday- Shiloh Test
·       Friday-Math Test on Math 4 Today
·       Next Wednesday-Science Test on Severe Weather

News from the Beach:

Upcoming Events:  
·       April 14th-Spring Pictures due
·       April 14th- Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night
·       April 16th-PTA/Fine Arts Night at 6:30; Single Gender Presentation at 5:30 *Madison and Zion will be speaking about our class J
·       April 24th- School Spirit Day
·       April 28th- Interim Reports go home
·       April 28th-30th ACT Aspire Testing (Writing, Reading, Math); May 7th-8th PASS Testing (Science, S. Studies)
·       Muffins with Mom has changed to the week of May 11th  

 Homework for the Week:

(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

·       Read 2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night (Have book club reading count)
·       Study Math 4 Today, Reading notes, and Science notes
·       Book Club Activity Sheet-due Friday (work on at home and in book club meetings)

Super Surfer of the Week

Madison Calvert is our star student this week for showing the character traits of PROBLEM-SOLVING, POSITIVITY, and ENCOURAGEMETN in the classroom this week!! Madison always has a way of cheering others up and making everyone around her smile and feel encouraged! Way to go Madison!! 

 100 BC Goals
