Sunday, October 11, 2015

Face Timing Chris Justus

To make our science unit on the Weather more real world and exciting, we had the opportunity to face-time with local WYFF meteorologist, Chris Justus!! A huge thank you to him for taking time out his busy day to speak to us :)

We began by brainstorming and learning- What is a meteorologist??

After we learned that meteorologist are weather scientists, we used what we have learned about weather to write thoughtful questions to ask Chris Justus. 

Next, all of fourth grade gathered together in the library to face time our local meteorologist!! He showed us all around the weather studio. We saw the computers, weather tools, the green screen, and more!

After our tour around the WYFF studio, Chris Justus answered our questions!

Ava represented our class by asking who inspired him and mentored him to be a meteorologist. Chris said that his dad inspired him, and another experienced meteorologist mentored him when he started his job. 

When we were finished, we came back to the classroom to share what we learned. We also got to watch Chris Justus in action on the local forecast!!

Mighty Girls, if you post a comment sharing what you learned from Chris Justus you will get +5 on your Weather Test this week!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I learned to never wear a green tie to work if you are a meteorologist on TV, because it will blend in with the green screen! Autumn E. }

  3. Allie F. -- I learned that they use a green screen to stand in front of and then the maps are projected.

  4. Ally D. I learned that even the meteorologists gets nervous when in front of the camera! He said he used computers and weather tools in predicting weather.

  5. Way to go Autumn, Allie F, and Ally D!! I can tell that you really listened and learned a lot :)

  6. Natalie M. - I liked taking a tour of the whole studio. We learned that the news anchors have a box of hair spray cans to keep their hair in place while on tv. Also, do not wear a green tie in front of the green screen. :)

  7. Savannah- I learned that you can't wear green clothing because there is a green screen, and if you wear green, it will show through the clothing. I also learned that if you are scared you can act like there is no one there.

  8. Savannah- I learned that you can't wear green clothing because there is a green screen, and if you wear green, it will show through the clothing. I also learned that if you are scared you can act like there is no one there.

  9. Chrissa--I remember Chris saying they use a green screen to show the weather..

  10. Baylee-I learned never wear a green tie to the weather studio because when you're in front of the green screen it will blend through and everybody can see through your tie

  11. Hattie - I learned he has a green screen behind him and not to wear a green tie. I missed a lot of the presentation because I was in the nurse's office and felt bad :(.

  12. Noor - I learned that the weatherman must not wear a green tie because the tie will blend in with the green screen. I came up with this: if I wear green clothes, I will blend in so maybe I will disappear and only my face will show.
