Sunday, February 28, 2016

Week at a Glance-February 29th-March 4th

We have a fun and busy week ahead, mighty girls!! Make sure to read the newsletter very carefully to stay informed!

Ride the Weekly Wave:
Math-We will continue to practice decimals this week, practice how to solve problems with money, and introduce measurement vocabulary.

Reading-We will continue to practice close reading skills through nonfiction text and text structures. We are beginning to review for MAP testing coming up!!

ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we will finish revising and writing a narrative using a narrative checklist. We will also begin looking at NF nmentor texts for our PBL culminating assessment.   

Social Studies- We will continue to review the Bill of Rights and citizenship. We will also introduce and explore the beginning of political parties and early government leaders.

Science- We will finish rotating classroom environments for PBL “Around the World in 40 Days.”  We will be kid scientists traveling to the Polar Region at the beginning of the week. The end of the week will be reviewing what we have learned and start brainstorming about our favorite environment to create our own NF text!

Anchor Down for Upcoming Tests:

·       *HINT* Review SS notes on Bill of Rights and Citizenship for a possible POP quiz this week J
·       Thursday- Test on Decimals (Recognizing place value, comparing, converting to fractions, and solving $$ problems)
·       Friday- Math 4 Today #27 Test **Review highlighted answers from M4T Practice
·       Friday- Measurement Vocab Test **Study measurement vocab sheet and note cards

Homework for the Week:
(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

·       **Return graded papers by Tuesday** (Sent home Monday)
·       Decimals HW throughout the week
·       Make measurement vocab cards Monday (*due Tuesday)
·       Read 2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night **SPECIAL NOTE-Review/complete Reading MAP packet 15 minutes every night and sign the MAP log. This counts as one step of 100 BC reading!! The entire packet will count as a test grade. Extra studying will be extra credit J
·       Study every night for tests!

AHOY…Announcements Ahead!
·       This Wednesday-Class Compliment Party to Meet Maddie J
·       Greenville Drive Reading Challenge Logs due March 18th
·       MAP Testing begins the week of March 7th **Our class tests Reading on March 17th and Math on March 22nd
·       Look for Book Fair information going home soon J
Monday-Where something from a place you’ve been
Tuesday-Wear a tie or scarf
Wednesday-Wear red and white
Thursday-Wear crazy socks
Friday-Wear red and blue and have author's visit

Crew Member of the Week
Check out Emma’s tweets! @mrsburns19girls
Emma Wilkins is our star student this week for showing the character traits of FRIENSHIP, INTEGRITY, and PERSEVERANCE in the classroom! Emma is a mighty girl role model because she brightens everyone’s day, makes everyone feel included, and works incredibly hard at her schoolwork! Way to go Emma!!! J

The Water Looks a Little Swampy...

The girls have had a BLAST "traveling" around the world to all of the different environments that can be found on the fourth grade hallway!! 

There is a swamp in Mrs. Johnson's room, and that has been quite the favorite. The best group got to drink a delicious "swamp water" creation at lunch!

Way to go Baylee, Noor, and Chrissa!

Decimals Homework Help

Watch the video tutorials if you get STUCK!

Place Value with Decimals

Converting Fractions to Decimals

Fun song to review place value of decimals :) 

Here are some website resources to practice decimals at home! 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Week at a Glance-February 22nd-26th

Ride the Weekly Wave:
Math-We will learn about multiplying fractions x fractions and introduce decimals this week!

Reading-We will continue to analyze text structures through engaging nonfiction text, and we will test on text structures this week.

ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we will have mini-lessons on writing conclusions. We will also practice writing narratives and improving our writing from Christmas.   

Social Studies- We will review and test on the three branches of government and checks/balances this week! We will also introduce the Bill of Rights and citizenship.

Science- We will continue rotating classroom environments for PBL “Around the World in 40 Days.”  We will be kid scientists traveling to the Swamp and Rivers & Streams this week, taking observational notes in our field guides, and receiving passports for our journeys!

Homework for the Week:
(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

·       **Return graded papers by Tuesday** (Sent home Monday)
·       Decimals HW throughout the week
·       Read 2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night
·       Study every night for tests

Anchor Down for Upcoming Tests:

·       Tuesday- SS Test on Three Branches of Government *Study notes in SS notebook
·       Friday- Math 4 Today #26 Test **Review highlighted answers from M4T Practice
·       Friday- Reading Test on Text Structures **This is more of an application of knowledge test, but students can review notes on text structures and in 100 BC

AHOY…Announcements Ahead!
·       Class Pictures this Friday, February 26th **Send in class picture $$ by Thursday
·       Send in mixed bag form orders by Monday!
·       Greenville Drive Reading Challenge Logs due March 18th
·       MAP Testing begins the week of March 7th **Our class tests Reading on March 17th and Math on March 22nd
·       Look for Book Fair information going home soon J

100 BC Goals
**Our class was the first in the entire school to reach 500 steps!! Way to go girls!!


 **Special Announcement**

Our class has received a “Class Compliment” party for outstanding behavior!! For this party, the girls have voted to have extra recess outside and meet my new puppy, Maddie! If your daughter has any allergies, please sign and return the weekly newsletter by this Friday, Feb. 26th so that she can receive another special privilege! Our class party will be next Wednesday, March 2nd at 1:00. Thank you!

Crew Member of the Week
Check out Allie F’s tweets! @mrsburns19girls
Allie Franklin is our star student this week for showing the character traits of INITIATIVE and CREATIVITY in the classroom! Allie is a mighty girl role model because she always shares her ideas in class discussions and shows creativity in her writing! Way to go Allie!!! J

Monday, February 15, 2016

Week at a Glance-February 15th-19th

Ride the Weekly Wave:
Math-We will continue our FRACTIONS unit this week as we learn how to multiply fractions x whole numbers. We will test this week.

Reading-We will continue to analyze text structures through engaging nonfiction text. We will practice strategies for text dependent analysis to help us for SC Ready testing.

ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we will have mini-lessons on writing conclusions. We will also practice using text evidence to correct grammar and other writing mistakes to prepare for SC Ready testing.  

Social Studies- We will review and test on the three branches of government this week!

Science- We will start rotating classroom environments for PBL “Around the World in 40 Days.”  We will be kid scientists traveling to the Desert and Rainforest this week. taking observational notes in our field guides, and receiving passports for our journeys!

 Homework for the Week:
(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

·       **Return Interims and graded papers**
·       Fractions HW throughout the week
·       Read 2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night
·       Study every night for tests!
·       Make and study science vocabulary note cards

Anchor Down for Upcoming Tests:

·       Thursday- Quiz on “Vital Vocab” (in Field Guides) *make and study note cards
·       Friday- Math Test on Converting Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions and Multiplying Fractions x Whole Numbers **Review HW practice and math notes
·       Friday- SS Test on Three Branches of Government *Study notes in SS notebook
·       No Math 4 Today this week

AHOY…Announcements Ahead!
·       THANK YOU to all of the parents who helped send in supplies and came to our Valentine’s party! It was a great success J
·       Tuesday, Feb. 16th- **Interims sent home**
·       Thursday, Feb. 18th- Chickfila Spirit Night
·       Friday, Feb. 19th- School Spirit Day
·       **Send in class picture $$ by February 26th
·       Send in mixed bag form orders!

100 BC Goals

Crew Member of the Week
Check out Ally D’s tweets! @mrsburns19girls
Ally Davis is our star student this week for showing the character traits of PASSION about learning, CREATIVITY and KINDNESS in the classroom! Ally is a mighty girl role model to others because she always has great ideas to give in group or class discussions, and she shows kindness to everyone around her! Way to go Ally!!! J