Monday, February 15, 2016

Week at a Glance-February 15th-19th

Ride the Weekly Wave:
Math-We will continue our FRACTIONS unit this week as we learn how to multiply fractions x whole numbers. We will test this week.

Reading-We will continue to analyze text structures through engaging nonfiction text. We will practice strategies for text dependent analysis to help us for SC Ready testing.

ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we will have mini-lessons on writing conclusions. We will also practice using text evidence to correct grammar and other writing mistakes to prepare for SC Ready testing.  

Social Studies- We will review and test on the three branches of government this week!

Science- We will start rotating classroom environments for PBL “Around the World in 40 Days.”  We will be kid scientists traveling to the Desert and Rainforest this week. taking observational notes in our field guides, and receiving passports for our journeys!

 Homework for the Week:
(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

·       **Return Interims and graded papers**
·       Fractions HW throughout the week
·       Read 2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night
·       Study every night for tests!
·       Make and study science vocabulary note cards

Anchor Down for Upcoming Tests:

·       Thursday- Quiz on “Vital Vocab” (in Field Guides) *make and study note cards
·       Friday- Math Test on Converting Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions and Multiplying Fractions x Whole Numbers **Review HW practice and math notes
·       Friday- SS Test on Three Branches of Government *Study notes in SS notebook
·       No Math 4 Today this week

AHOY…Announcements Ahead!
·       THANK YOU to all of the parents who helped send in supplies and came to our Valentine’s party! It was a great success J
·       Tuesday, Feb. 16th- **Interims sent home**
·       Thursday, Feb. 18th- Chickfila Spirit Night
·       Friday, Feb. 19th- School Spirit Day
·       **Send in class picture $$ by February 26th
·       Send in mixed bag form orders!

100 BC Goals

Crew Member of the Week
Check out Ally D’s tweets! @mrsburns19girls
Ally Davis is our star student this week for showing the character traits of PASSION about learning, CREATIVITY and KINDNESS in the classroom! Ally is a mighty girl role model to others because she always has great ideas to give in group or class discussions, and she shows kindness to everyone around her! Way to go Ally!!! J

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