Saturday, March 26, 2016

Week at a Glance-March 28th-April 1st

Ride the Weekly Wave:
Math-We will continue geometry as we practice learning about  and measuring lines, line segments, rays, and angles!

Reading-We will continue the novel Shiloh and get ready for book clubs to officially begin after spring break. We will also integrate reading with social studies articles about early pioneers.

ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we will apply what we have learned about character traits into a short story writing piece.

Social Studies- We will continue Westward Expansion this week as we learn about territorial acquisition.  

Science- We will continue to explore Electricity this week through hands on inquiry activities!

Anchor Down for Upcoming Tests:

·       Thursday- Shiloh Comprehension Test on chapters 1-5

Homework for the Week:
(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

·       **Return graded papers by Tuesday** (Sent home Monday)
·       Report Cards due Wednesday
·       Review notes about Shiloh
·       Read 2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night
·       Math workbook homework on geometry throughout the week

AHOY…Announcements Ahead!

This Week:
·       Tuesday – 3rd Nine Weeks AWARDS DAY @ 8:30
·       We will be having SCAAP testing for Art and Music throughout the week, so make sure that your child is at school on time and well-rested each day!
·       Wednesday-Report Cards due
·       Friday- The girls worked so hard on Reading MAP testing!! We are having a Sports/Spa Day to celebrate their hard work!
            *If your daughter chose sports day, you may send in             balls or games.
            *If your daughter chose spa day, you may send in             nail polish.

Up Ahead:
·       April 4th-8th HAPPY SPRING BREAK!!!!
·       Monday, April 11th - The girls worked so hard on Math MAP testing!! We are having a Movie Day to celebrate their hard work!
            *We are watching the movie Shiloh, which is rated PG for the behavior of one of the characters, Judd Travers. If you would not like for your daughter to participate in watching, please sign and return the newsletter by this Thursday, March 31st.

*Parents- Just a reminder to make sure that your child gets to school on time and does not leave early unless there is an important appointment that cannot be rescheduled. Your child's learning is very important, and I truly appreciate your partnership and support with this. I appreciate all that you do! Love, Mrs. Burns

Crew Member of the Week Check out Leanna’s tweets! @mrsburns19girls
Leanna Danilenko is our star student this week for growing the most points in Reading MAP testing!! She is an unbelievably hard working girl with a contagious smile and positive attitude! I am so proud of you!! Way to go Leanna!!! J

100 BC Goals

Monday, March 21, 2016

Book Reviews-The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane,Author Kate Dicamillo

Hi I'm El. I rate this book a five star  because it has a meaning and the meaning is never stop trying even if it gets hard and it's a big journey. The beginning of the story Edward Tulane lived with a young girl they did every thing together but one day they went on a ship and these boys made Edward go overboard next..............,In the middle of the story Edward  stays down in the ocean floor for a long time then a fisher man got him and gave him to his wife Edwards a boy but the grandma named its girl name then Edward gets barried in trash then a dog digs him up next a dog gets him then he goes to a HOBO they sleep in a train and someone throws Edward down a hiall then an old lady picks him up and uses him as a scare crow a boy gets him and gave him to sararooth sararooth is a girl who is really sick .they try to make money so the dance in the streets next....
.........In the end he gets put up at a doll place. he gets bought by the girl all grown up that loved him in the beginning of the story the end

-By: El 

I would rate this book 5 out of 5 stars because.........
In the begging of the story he was loved by a little girl named of abbline.In the middle of the story bull got Edward out of the dump because Nellie and the fisher man got him out of the water and the preppy girl that was Nellies daughter drove him and put him in the dump At the end he was at the toy shop and he was sitting there and it wen by years and years not weeks or months Ann Maggie and abbline were in the store and he did Not know who it was and Maggie picked him up and then abbline came and said we aren't buying eny thing and she walked over and Edward thought that's abbline then abbline said Edward its you right then she bought him and her and her daughter keep him forever and forever until they die
My favorite part was when he saw abbline and she grew up and she was a big girl and Then he thought that that was abbline and then they bought Edward!!I loved that story it was so good

-By Natalee W. 

The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane by:Kate dicamillo
I would rate this book 5 out of 5 stars! In the beginning Edward was owned by a rich family. The family dicided to go on a cruise,in the cruise Edward fell off into the ocean. A fisherman saved Edward the rabbit and brought it to his little cabin with his wife, in the middle he was thrown in the dumps where a hobo and dog found him and called him Malone. They were found one night and Edward rolled down a hill where an old woman found him and used. Him as a scarecrow. A little boy found him and gave him to his sister that was very ill. She named him gangles but later the very ill 4 year old passed away. Him and the boy walked a long way to make money where soon Edwards (jangles) head broke into 21 pieces, he was repaired by a toy maker and was owned by him now. At the end, he waited for years and years for someone to buy him. Until one day a girl and her mother came in where we soon discover the mom is the rich girl grown up!

-By: Hannah S. 

Title:The Miraculous Journey Of Edward Tulane
Author:Kate dicamillo
I would rate this book 5 out of 5 stars because it's interesting about the rabbit goes to this place to find his HOME!
In the beginning of the story Edward goes on a trip
In the middle of the story Edward was in the boat in the ocean and got thrown of the boat
At the end Edward found a home
My favorite part was when Edward found a home 

-By: Autumn

 The Miraculous Journey of Edward Toulane by: Kate dicamillo
I would rate this book 4 out o f 5 stars because it was good but ended on a cliff hanger.
In the beginning he was with a girl who loved him but he did not love.
In the middle he went to many different people and leaned to love.
In the end his first owners child found him and he got together with his family.
My favorite part was when he got with Sarah Ruth. Who was very sick and did not make it.

-By: Allie F. 

The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane author Kate Dicamillo

I would rate this book
4 out of 5 stars because in the beginning I feel there should have been more feelings over Aballen and Edward. The middle of the story was fine in my opinion I like the climatic parts.The ending could have been a bit more drama with other dolls the setting was in a doll shop. But other than that it was a good story with very good detail and description.

-By: Ally D. 

Title:The Miraculous Journey of Edward Toulane

Author:Kate DiCamillo

 I would rate this book
____5____out of 5 because in the begging pelagreena told Abilene a story of a princess and she gets turned into a warthog. In the middle he goes from person to person.
At the end I liked how the original owner Abilene and so now I Abilene is going to buy her.
My favorite part was when Abilene got hem again at the end.

-By: Sarah 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Week at a Glance-March 21st-25th

Spring has officially begun!! Happy Spring, Mighty Girls!!

Ride the Weekly Wave:
Math-We will continue reviewing geometry this week and preparing for MAP testing this week!

Reading-We will finish our read aloud book, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. We will begin the novel Shiloh, and we are so excited to start BOOK CLUBS this week!! Be on the lookout for a letter going home about book club snacks! 

ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we will analyze author’s purpose for text structures. We will practice this with a writing prompt going through the writer’s process.

Social Studies- We will continue Westward Expansion this week as we learn about famous explorers! We will test this wek.

Science- We will begin a new unit on Electricity this week through hands on inquiry activities!

 Anchor Down for Upcoming Tests:

·       Finish Math MAP packet J
·       Friday- SS Test on Early Explorers and Motives for Traveling West **Study notes in SS notebook 

Homework for the Week:
(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

·       **Return graded papers by Tuesday** (Sent home Monday)
·       Study SS notes for Friday’s test
·       Read 2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night

AHOY…Announcements Ahead!
·       Tuesday night, March 22nd-PTA Health Fair/PE Program @ 6:30 PM
·       Wednesday, March 23rd- Our class goes to the book fair. Send $$ with your child if you would like!
·       Friday-Report Cards sent home

·       MAP TESTING continues this week! The girls have been working incredibly hard, and this is their time to SHINE and show how much they know! Our class tests Math MAP this Wednesday, March 23rd
·       We will be going over our Math MAP goals this week, and students who grow their Math score get to attend a movie party J
·       Here are some test-taking tips to prepare:
-Go to bed early the night before
-Eat a healthy breakfast
-Remind them that just doing their best is what counts
-Offer words of encouragement or send encouraging notes
-Be on time to school

Crew Member of the Week Check out Baylee’s tweets! @mrsburns19girls
Baylee Allison is our star student this week for her hard-working attitude and friendship! She is very focused on doing her best, and she is kind to others! She is such a role model to others! Way to go Baylee!!! J

100 BC Goals

PBL Culminating Assessment..Almost DONE

The girls have been hard at work creating children's books, magazines or brochures to show off what they have learned about NF text and different environments in our "Around the World in 40 Days" PBL. With the beautiful spring weather, we spent some time working outside! I can't wait to show you their final products soon!!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Proud Teacher Moment

This week, there was a moment that made me tear up because it was so filled with kindness and compassion. 

Chrissa took the initiative to set up a yard sale with a lemonade stand at home, and she wanted the money that she raised to go to someone in need. She came up with the idea to give it to Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Wilkins, and Mrs. Judy's classroom-the Special Education class at OES :) When I asked her how she came up with the idea, she said that she wanted to do something kind and those kids popped in her head.

The (almost) $50 that she raised will go to new recess toys for the boys and girls!

The highlight was when Mrs. Cooper brought in one of her precious boys to hand deliver a thank you card. This boy said a big "THANK YOU" to Chrissa and "CHEESE" to the camera!

I could not be more proud of this girl's beautiful heart for serving others! She is an inspiration to me and so many others to be more compassionate, generous, and thoughtful. 

Book Buddy Reading in the Sun

The girls enjoyed some sunshine this week while reading with our 1st grade book buddies in Mrs. Mac's class!!

Way to be reading role models, mighty girls!! :)

Week at a Glance-March 14th-18th

Ride the Weekly Wave:
Math-We will be reviewing geometry this week and preparing for MAP testing coming up!

Reading-We will continue to practice close reading skills through nonfiction text and text structures and continue to review for MAP testing this Thursday. We will also be reading “The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane” by Kate DiCamillo.  

ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we will finish our PBL culminating assessment by writing a nonfiction text about our favorite environment!

Social Studies- We will introduce Westward Expansion this week as we learn about famous explorers!

Science- We will be reviewing for our final Animals Unit test and wrapping up our PBL Culminating assessment.

Anchor Down for Upcoming Tests:

·       Friday- Geometry Vocab Test **Study geometry vocab sheet and note cards
·       Friday- Final Animals Unit TEST in Science
**Review the study guide, and we are reviewing this each day in class as well

Homework for the Week:
(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

·       **Return graded papers by Tuesday** (Sent home Monday)
·       Make geometry vocab cards Monday (*due Tuesday)
·       Read 2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night **SPECIAL NOTE-Review/complete Reading MAP packet 15 minutes every night and sign the MAP log. This counts as one step of 100 BC reading!! The entire packet will count as a test grade. Extra studying will be extra credit J Complete assigned Math MAP packet pages each night!
·       Study Animal Study Guide

AHOY…Announcements Ahead!
·       Greenville Drive Challenge Logs due Friday March 18th
·       MAP TESTING begins this week! The girls have been working incredibly hard, and this is their time to SHINE and show how much they know! Our class tests Reading this Thursday, March 17th and Math next week on March 22nd
·       We will be going over our Reading MAP goals this week, and students who grow their Reading score get to attend the Spa or Sports Day J
·       Here are some test-taking tips to prepare:
-Go to bed early the night before
-Eat a healthy breakfast
-Remind them that just doing their best is what counts
-Offer words of encouragement or send encouraging notes
-Be on time to school 

Crew Member of the Week
Check out Sarah’s tweets! @mrsburns19girls
Sarah Posey is our star student this week for her contagious positivity! She is always encouraging and very focused on all of her work! She is such a role model to others! Way to go Sarah!!! J

100 BC Goals