Tuesday, September 10, 2013

PBL Updates!

What is a PBL?

We are taking a Project Based Learning approach to learning here at OES to ensure that we become critical thinkers in real world scenarios and in our community! 

Our first PBL in 4th grade is about our Carbon footprint and how to better our environment.

We made predictions and collected our snack trash to see how we could reduce it the following week!

Above you see our snack trash chart and some predictions about how much we would collect.

 We brainstormed reasons why we loved the Earth and learned"we Love the Earth vocabulary words!


  1. I like the way that you counted the trash and the way your class predicted. Was someones prediction corecct?

    -Sarah S.

  2. Awesome activities to go with your 1st PBL! Have students been able to implement some "earth saving" strategies at home? I hope that many of them have encouraged their families to reduce, reuse, and recycle!

  3. Yes they have! Be looking out on the 4th grade hall to see our "Action Plans" on display soon!
