Sunday, October 5, 2014

Week of October 6th

Ride the Weekly Wave:
Math-We will be practicing our basic single digit multiplication facts as we introduce multiplication with larger numbers. We will be using different strategies such as the area model, lattice multiplication, and expanded form. Check out our blog this week for videos and study tips of multiplication strategies!

Reading-We will be FINISHING our novel study of the book WONDER this week!! This Friday, October 10th at 8:30 you are invited to a Buddy Bench reveal that the 4th graders have helped build and will be explaining the purpose of the buddy bench to all of OES! This day is also August Pullman’s (the main character of Wonder) birthday, so bring cupcakes to help celebrate!

ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we are practicing using the friendly letter format to finish writing bullying advice letters to 2nd graders, and we are practicing using quotation marks correctly. We are also looking at how to write “Letters to an Editor.” We will test on quotation marks this Friday.

Social Studies-We will continue learning about the Columbian Exchange and how it impacted Native Americans and Europeans through some hands-on activities.  We will begin our new unit on the original colonies as we look at early Spanish, French, Dutch, and English settlements and make brochures!

Science-We will continue our animals unit by learning about how humans and animals use their senses to survive and about learned vs. inherited behaviors. 

         News from the Beach:                      
**Fall Festival will be October 23rd!! Please send in $ or donations for our fall basket!! J

Upcoming Events:  
·       Wednesday, October 8th-Walk to School Day
·       BUDDY BENCH REVEAL- Friday, October 10th 8:30 AM
·       Thursday, October 16th- Chick-fil-A Spirit Night
·       Friday, October 17th- OES Spirit Day
·       Oct. 21st/23rd Parent/Teacher Conferences 

Super Surfer of the Week

Madison is the student of the week for being a wonderful student who always tries her best, encourages others, and works with a smile on her face! J

Set Sail for…Upcoming Tests/Projects:

Thursday-WONDER Test on Vocabulary Set #3 and Comprehension
Friday-Language Test on Quotation Marks 

Homework for the Week:
(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

·       Read  2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night
·       Review for Reading Test with Reading notebook and vocabulary flashcards   
·       Return Signed Papers by Tuesday *sent home Monday*
·       Quotation Mark Sheets through the week
·       Math Workbook pages 

100 Book Challenge Goals
  Good: 88 steps
  Better: 160 steps

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