Saturday, August 29, 2015

Week at a Glance-Week of August 31st

Ride the Weekly Wave:
Math-We will continue practicing multiplication fast facts and problem solving strategies. We will also continue place value using hands on activities with base 10 blocks.  *It is very important to be studying fast facts at home!! We only have a few students who have mastered their facts.  

Reading-We will be focusing on character traits and point of view as we continue reading Wonder as our mentor text for our Choose Kind PBL. We will test this week on vocabulary from the book and introduce Greek/Latin roots vocabulary.

ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we will be finishing our memoirs and having mini lessons on complete sentences. We are testing on complete sentences. 

Social Studies-We will be continue learning about the Native American regions while our expert groups present. Be on the lookout for a letter home about NA home suppies!!

Science- We are finishing our process skills unit as we practice making observations, inferences, and predictions using pictures. We will be testing on process skills this week! We will introduce safety and investigations.

                                    Anchor Down for…Upcoming Tests/Projects:

·       Wednesday-Science Test on Process Skills *Review process skill notes and vocab in Science NB
·       Thursday- ELA Test on Complete Sentences *Review complete sentences notes in Writing NB (Writer’s Toolbox section)
·       Friday- Math 4 Today Test *Review Math 4 Today Practice Sheet Wk. 11
·       Friday- Wonder TIPS #1 Vocab. Test
·       Next Tuesday- Greek/Latin Roots Vocab. Test #1

 Homework for the Week:

(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

·       Monday-Make flash cards for Wonder vocabulary
·       Read 2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night
·       Study Multiplication flashcards (6’s facts) 10 minutes *every night* & sign log
·       Math workbook HW on place value throughout the week
·       Study science notes, complete sentence notes, vocabulary, and Math 4 Today

                                                  AHOY…Announcements Ahead!

Upcoming Events:  

  • Fall Map Testing-Week of August 24th and August 31st
  • Thursday- Picture Day
  • Friday-College Colors Day
  • Monday, September 7th- Labor Day-No School
**Note-The first graded papers folder will be sent home THIS Monday! There have been some technology issues with Powerschool, and I will update grades as soon as the problem is fixed. Thank you!!

100 BC Goals


Crew Member of the Week
Check out Allie’s tweets this week by following our class on twitter! @mrsburns19girls

Allie Franklin is our star student this week for showing the character traits of KINDNESS, CRITICAL THINKING and POSITIVITY in the classroom this week!! Allie always has great ideas to offer during our class discussions and works very hard!  She is a role model by always staying positive no matter what! Way to go, Allie!!! 

A Peek into Morning Meetings

Each morning, we start our day with a morning meeting to set the tone for our classroom and day of learning! The student of the week is the morning meeting leader who always writes a message about the objectives and announcements for the day and leads the class in reciting our classroom pledge. 

The girls are practicing saying our pledge!

Emma was an amazing first student of the week and leader in room 402! If you missed them, make sure you check out her tweets and follow us on Twitter @mrsburns19girls 

Mighty Girl Monday...

We set and reflect on our goals and look at a mighty girl's story. We are so excited to join with Mrs. Hall's class once a month starting in September to have a "Mighty Girl Mentor" guest speaker :)

A great example of a goal from this week was what El said about her multiplication facts "I used to only know my 5's facts but now I know my 6's. I want to even learn my 12's." El was also one our first Fast Fact MASTERS!! Way to go El!

Team-Building Tuesday 

This week, we created our very own class puzzle where each girl had 2 puzzle pieces to write her name and a character trait that she wanted to show this year. 

Our final puzzle showed how we are a team and a family this year, and everyone has a part!

Wonder Wednesday...

Emma is leading the class in reading and discussing what we learned and new vocabulary from the  wonder of the week-How did months get their names? 

Thoughtful Thursday...

We wrote encouraging shout outs to each other and looked at a sticky situation about bullying and kindness to solve. 

Fun Friday...

We had a fun brain break when we finished MAP testing!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Week at a Glance-Week of August 24th

Ride the Weekly Wave:
Math-We will continue practicing multiplication and problem solving strategies. We will also introduce place value using hands on activities with base 10 blocks.  

Reading-We will be focusing on character traits as we continue reading Wonder as our mentor text for our Choose Kind PBL, and we are introducing new vocabulary from the book.

ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we will continue looking at mentor texts and writing our very own memoirs!

Social Studies-We will be learning about Native American culture and their homes this week. We are even making Native American kindness cloths to go along with our Choose Kind PBL!

Science- We are continuing our process skills unit as we practice making observations, inferences, and predictions using pictures. We will be testing on process skills this week!

 Anchor Down for…Upcoming Tests/Projects:

·       Wednesday-Math Quiz on Multiplication Strategies *Review notes and examples in Math NB
·       Friday- Science Test on Process Skills *Review process skill notes and vocab in Science NB
·       Friday- Math 4 Today Test *Review Math 4 Today Practice Sheet Wk. 10
·       Next Tuesday-ELA Test on Complete Sentences *Review complete sentences notes in Writing NB (Writer’s Toolbox section)

Homework for the Week:
(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

·       Read 2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night
·       Study Multiplication flashcards (5’s facts) 10 minutes a night & sign log *in HW folder
·       Study Science notes, Math notes, and Math 4 Today

AHOY…Announcements Ahead!

Upcoming Events:  
·       Fall Map Testing-Week of August 24th and August 31st 
·       Monday, September 7th- Labor Day-No School
**Note-The first graded papers folder will be sent home NEXT Monday! There have been some technology issues with Powerschool, and I will update grades as soon as the problem is fixed. Thank you!!

Crew Member of the Week
Emma Wilkins is our star student this week for showing the character traits of KINDNESS, PERSEVERANCE, and POSITIVITY in the classroom during the first week!! Emma is an extremely hard-working girl! She always stays positive and is a role model to others! Way to go Emma!! As long as technology works, Emma will be our "tweeter" of the week posting pictures and updates in room 402-follow our class on twitter @mrsburns19girl J

100 BC Goals

Elephant Toothpaste

We joined with Miss Morrison's class to do this fun science experiment to practice our prediction and observation skills!! Watch what happens!

A big shout out to Miss Morrison for making this amazing video :)

Friday, August 21, 2015

First Week Fun!

Check out a glimpse of the first week in room 402...

We shared about what we TREASURE to the class while working on our communication skills! The girls did an amazing job being great presenters and listeners!


Hannah Dunn






Hannah S. 


Allie F


Ally D. 

We practiced prediction and observation skills with a gummy bear experiment!

We predicted what would happen to gummy bears when we put them in different liquids and observed the results. 

We had other fun science experiments to practice our observation skills..such as the MILK FIREWORKS experiment and ELEPHANT TOOTHPASTE! Stay tuned from a video of Elephant Toothpaste, but here is a before shot of the materials. 

Here the girls are putting a q-tip of Dawn dish soap into a plate of milk with food coloring and watching what happens!

We have also kicked off our CHOOSE KIND PBL by making K.I.N.D.N.E.S.S. (Keep others first, Involve others, Notice others, Do a favor..don't bully, Everyone's important, share, and stand up for others) bracelets and starting the novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio 

I loved seeing some of the girls at our Back to School Bash this Thursday!

I even caught El and Hannah practicing their dance skills :)

What a fabulous first week, and I can't wait for the mighty girl adventures to come this year!

Big Sister/Little Sister Reveal :)

Our class is partnering with Mrs. Hall's mighty girls so that each 4th grader can have a "little sister" in 3rd grade! We wrote them letters introducing ourselves and delivered them Friday morning. We LOVED getting to meet our new sisters, and we can't wait to get to know them even better throughout the year!

We have been talking this week about what mentors are, good qualities that mentors have, and how the girls can be mentors to their little sisters. We have Mighty Girl Monday each week, but once a month we will have a guest speaker of a leading lady from the community to talk to us about mentoring. 

Here are our new little sisters that we met :)

Mrs. Hall and I are so proud of our precious, precious girls, and we can't wait for adventures together this year!!

Girls/Parents-Post a comment about what you and your little sis have in common and what you learned about each other... :)