Tuesday, August 18, 2015

We are Mighty Girl Problem Solvers!

On our first "Team-Building Tuesday" of 4th grade, we had a read-aloud activity and an exciting cup challenge to learn about collaboration and what it means to F.A.I.L. (First Attempt In Learning). 

We began the lesson by reading The Most Magnificent Thing-a story about a girl who tries and tries and keeps trying until she makes her very own "most magnificent thing." It's not perfect but magnificent because she made it and did not give up!

We split up into small groups and plotted the beginning, middle, and end of the story. One group reflected about the lesson and came up with this-to never give up, and when you get frustrated ask for help and learn from your mistakes!

Like we learned in the story, a mighty girl is someone who takes risks and learns from her mistakes!

...but a mighty doesn't have to solve problems  alone :)

Next, came the CUP CHALLENGE!!

Each group could ONLY use a rubber band and string (**no hands) to make a pyramid out of 6 cups. Challenge accepted! Did any of the groups get it exactly right the very first time?

Absolutely not! However, we persevered, and every single group was successful in creating a pyramid in their groups! 

We also brainstormed important qualities of a good team member. We created teamwork guidelines to keep in our science notebooks that will be necessary in our classroom this year and help us the rest of our lives! Way to make me such a proud teacher, girls!!!

We will work together.
We will encourage each other. 
We will stay positive.
We will communicate and talk it out. 
We will never give up or argue. 


  1. Wow! Lots of great "soft skills" reinforced and taught today! Love to see problem solving through collaboration! Awesome job, Mighty Girls!

  2. I love this year and how I feel like I'm in that class with them. .

  3. I love this year and how I feel like I'm in that class with them. .

    1. I am so happy to hear that!! That is the biggest purpose for this blog :)
