Monday, September 28, 2015

Mighty Girl Mentor-September

Once a month, we are getting together with our little sisters in Mrs. Hall's 3rd grade class to have a mighty mentor from our community speak to us! We are highlighting women in various careers and callings to share about their career and experience with mentors. 

This month, we had the opportunity of speaking with my dear friend, Mrs. Sami MacDonald, a real estate agent in Charlotte, NC. 

The girls researched real estate on their ipads. Then they brainstormed questions about real estate, kindness (to integrate with our "Choose Kind" PBL), and mentors to ask Mrs. Sami, including: 

-What inspired you to be a real estate agent?
-What is the best part of your job and why?
-Who are your mentors?
-Do you mentor anyone?
-Why is kindness important to your job? Is it always easy to be kind? 

After face-timing with Mrs. Sami, the girls reflected on what they learned and thought about if they would consider real estate as a future career. 

"Kindness is very important to being a real estate agent." -Sarah

-"I want to make a difference. I want to be a real estate agent to help others like Mrs. Sami." -Hannah Dunn

"I learned that there is a lot of kindness that goes on being a real estate agent." -Baylee

"I learned that her mentor was her dad. She always smiled and showed kindness." -Allie F. 

"Kindness will be important to any job." -Hannah S. 

Here are the girls now considering real estate as their future career! Be on the lookout for these girls in 2025 :) 

Mrs. Sami even posted about us with her company, Savvy and Company! Learn more about Savvy and Company here

Way to go, mighty girls!!! :)

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Adding Larger Numbers-Allie's Show Me

Click on the link below to check out how Allie fixed a wrong addition problem!

Allie's Show Me

Watch the video and post a comment sharing what "Amy" did not do in her addition problem for a lunch buddy pass on Monday! :)

Week at a Glance September 28th-October 2nd

Ride the Weekly Wave:
Math-We will be working on subtracting larger numbers through apps and stations!

Reading-We will continue reading Wonder as our mentor text for our Choose Kind PBL as we focus on character traits, vocabulary, and comprehension. We will introduce Greek/Latin -cour/cor root words. 

ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we will be having mini-lessons and writing activities on how to use conjunctions correctly. We will also deliver our friendly letters to our book buddies and begin "top ten" writing. 

Social Studies- We will continue our unit on the explorers using hands-on activities and technology! We will be creating explorer baseball cards and testing this week. 

Science- What’s with the weather?? We will continue weather this week through hands-on activities and making a model of the water cycle!

 Anchor Down for…Upcoming Tests/Projects:

·       Thursday Math Test on Subtraction of Larger Numbers *Study notes on subtraction in math NB
·       Friday- SS Explorers Test *Study flashcards and notes on explorer motivations, explorer routes, and technology
·       Friday- Math 4 Today Test #15 *Study M4T Practice Sheet #15 that we check in class

Homework for the Week:
(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):
·       **Graded papers signed/returned by Tuesday!!**
·       Due Wednesday- Make flashcards on 1) SS explorers 2) G/L -cour/cor words
·       Read 2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night
·       Study Multiplication flashcards (all missed fast facts) 10 minutes *every night* & sign log
·       Math workbook HW on subtraction throughout the week

 AHOY…Announcements Ahead!

Upcoming Events:  
-THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your generosity, and our DonorsChoose project was fully funded in less than a week!!! Wobble stools have arrived, and the privacy partitions have been shipped!! –Love, Mrs. Burns 

-Monday, September 28th- We are getting together with our little sister in Mrs. Hall's class to skype with a real estate agent for Mighty Girl Monday!
-Wednesday, September 30th- Boosterthon Pep Rally
-Friday, October 9th- Boosterthon Fun Run

Crew Member of the Week Check out Hattie's tweets! @mrsburns19girls
Hattie is our star student this week for showing the character traits of PERSEVERANCE, KINDNESS and COLLABORATION in the classroom this week!! Hannah is kind to everyone around her, and she always, always does her very best on her schoolwork! She is a great role model!!

100 BC Goals
Our class was the second in the entire school to all reach 100 steps!!

"That's how we PBIS!"

We had a fun PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) Pep Rally to get excited about always exhibiting STAR behavior in the classroom, cafeteria, and the bus!!

S-Strive to do our best
T-Take responsibility
A-Always work together
R-Respect yourself and others

Classes can earn red tickets for STAR behavior to earn prizes and incentives!

And what's a pep rally without a little dancing??

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Wonder Vocabulary Texting

The girls used their Wonder vocabulary words for this week in a fake texting conversation. Check out some examples below!

If you post a comment using a vocabulary word (Wonder TIPS #2) in a sentence correctly, you will get +5 on your vocabulary test!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Week at a Glance-September 21st-24th

Ride the Weekly Wave:
Math-We will introduce strategies for addition and subtraction of larger numbers as we begin math stations!

Reading-We will continue reading Wonder as our mentor text for our Choose Kind PBL as we focus on character traits, vocabulary, and comprehension. We will introduce and test in-context vocabulary words from Wonder.

ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we will be having mini-lessons and writing activities on how to use conjunctions correctly. We will also revise, edit, and publish our friendly letters to our book buddies!  

Social Studies- We will introduce our new unit on the explorers using hands-on activities and technology!

Science- What’s with the weather?? We will introduce weather this week through hands-on activities making clouds and science stations!

 Anchor Down for…Upcoming Tests/Projects:

·       Thursday Math Test on Addition of Larger Numbers *Study notes on addition in math NB
·       Friday- Wonder Vocabulary #2 Test *Study TIPS chart for Wonder Vocab #2 and flashcards that your child makes for HW *Be able to use vocabulary words in a sentence!
·       Friday- Math 4 Today Test #13 *Study M4T Practice Sheet #13 that we check in class

Homework for the Week:
(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

·       **Graded papers signed/returned by Tuesday!!**
·       Monday HW- Make flashcards on Wonder Vocab #2
·       Read 2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night
·       Study Multiplication flashcards (9’s facts) 10 minutes *every night* & sign log
·       Math workbook HW on addition throughout the week

 AHOY…Announcements Ahead!

Upcoming Events:  
·       THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your generosity, and our DonorsChoose project was fully funded in less than a week!!! The girls are so excited, and I can’t wait to share pictures when our new materials arrive!! –Love, Mrs. Burns 
·       Monday, September 21st- Dress Like a Pirate Day
·       Friday, September 24th- Ice cream at Lunch for $1 and School Spirit Day

Crew Member of the Week Check out Hannah’s tweets! @mrsburns19girls
Hannah Snyder is our star student this week for showing the character traits of PERSEVERANCE, FRIENDSHIP and COOPERATION in the classroom this week!! Hannah is kind to everyone around her, and she always, always does her very best on her schoolwork! She is a great role model!!

100 BC Goals
*Let’s make our goal to be the first class in the whole school to all reach 100 steps!!


iPad Promises

What an exciting week to be in 4th grade!! The girls could not wait to start using their iPads as our school goes 1:1 with new technology! Before using our iPads, we discussed how "with great power, comes great responsibility"-Uncle Ben in Spiderman. We made iPad promises that all of the girls signed, similar to our classroom pledge. We also went over how technology is just another great tool that we will use to learn, but that it needs to balanced with playing outside and other hands-on activities!

As a part of our scavenger hunt to begin using our iPads appropriately, the girls downloaded and began using the pic collage app to share what they learned about our iPad promises!

Goodies with Grandparents :)

Sarah and her grandmother

Hattie and her grandmother

El and her grandparents 

Hannah Snyder's family

Hannah Dunn's grandparents and little sister 

Monday, September 14, 2015

DONORS CHOOSE-Spread the word!!

Dear Parents,

I want to make sure that your daughters have the materials that they need to succeed, so I created a request for our classroom at I am so excited about these materials and would LOVE for the girls to have them!! I am very passionate about helping each of your precious girls learn and grow every day in our classroom!  I am requesting wobble stools and privacy partitions to help them focus on their learning!


For information about the project-

2) Click on the project titled “Hocus Pocus, Everybody Focus!"

If you know anyone who may want to help our classroom, please pass this along! I encourage/challenge you to tell at least three people. They will receive updated photos of how the materials are used along with hand-written thank you letters from the girls.



If donations are made to our classroom by next Sunday, September 20th the donation will be **matched dollar for dollar** thanks to Just enter the code SPARK on the payment page and you'll be matched dollar for dollar (up to $100). 

Thank you so much for your help!!