Sunday, September 6, 2015

Week at a Glance- September 8th-11th

Welcome back! I hope that all of you enjoyed a restful long weekend! I had a great time going to the kick-off Clemson game v. Wofford where we even got to meet former QB :) Go Tigers!!

Name that QB! If you can post a comment *by Wednesday* with the name of this former player, you can get a surprise!!

Check out what is happening this week in room 402!!

Ride the Weekly Wave:
Math-We will review place value and introduce rounding strategies this week. We will test on place value and rounding as well. If you haven’t mastered your multiplication fast facts, keep studying!! We will focus on the number 7 this week.

Reading-We will continue focusing on character traits and point of view as we continue reading Wonder as our mentor text for our Choose Kind PBL. We will read three books about the same event written from 3 different perspectives-Weird, Dare, and Tough as students take. We will test this week on Greek/Latin roots vocabulary and the three books *using notes*

ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we will be finishing our memoirs and having mini lessons on point of view in writing and how to write a friendly letter.

Social Studies-We will be finishing up building our Native American homes this week to display at PTA open house next week! We will be practicing good studying techniques with flashcards to prepare for our test on Native Americans next week.

Science- 3-2-1 BLAST OFF!!!!! We are building rockets to learn about science safety and investigations!! Look for a letter going home about volunteering for the rocket launch this Thursday!!

Anchor Down for…Upcoming Tests/Projects:

·       Thursday-Greek/Latin Roots Vocab. Test #1 *Study list on –cor words
·       Thursday- Math Test on Place Value and Rounding *Study notes on place value and rounding in math NB
·       Friday- Math 4 Today Test (*Study practice sheet #12)
·       Friday- *Open-notes* test on the books Weird, Dare, and Tough –Review notes in reading NB
·       Next Tuesday- Test on Native Americans *Study flashcards & notes

Homework for the Week:
(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

·       Tuesday-Make flash cards for Greek/Latin roots vocabulary
·       **Graded papers signed/returned by Wednesday!!**
·       Read 2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night
·       Study Multiplication flashcards (7’s facts) 10 minutes *every night* & sign log
·       Math workbook HW on rounding throughout the week
·       Study G/L roots vocab & math notes
·       **Suggested studying schedule for NA test (Study house pictures & regions map every night! Tues-EWL & Plains cards, Wed-SW and GB cards, Thurs- PNW cards, next Mon-ALL 5 regions)**

AHOY…Announcements Ahead!

Upcoming Events:  
·       September 11th- Ice Cream at Lunch ($1)
·       September 15th @ 6:30 PTA Open House
·       September 18th @ 7:00 AM 4th Grade Goodies with Grandparents
**Note-There have still been some issues with Powerschool, so grades will be uploaded ASAP. Thank you!!

Crew Member of the Week

Check out Sarah’s tweets! @mrsburns19girls

Sarah Posey is our star student this week for showing the character traits of KINDNESS, PROBLEM SOLVING and PERSEVERANCE in the classroom this week!! Sarah is a problem-solving queen during math, and she always has great ideas and a big smile when working with a group!! Way to go, Sarah!!! 

100 BC Goals
*Let’s make our goal to be the first class in the whole school to all reach 100 steps!!


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