Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Native American Homes-Student Blogging

Native American Projects

In the native American homes project everyone got a group to work in. The groups were Great Basin, Easter Woodland, Plains, South West and Pacific North West. All the groups were very interesting to learn about. Did you know that when you had a party in Pacific North West and you were the host you would give away gifts instead of getting them. When we went in to our native American project group everyone started working. Some groups had paint, bark, fake animals and lots more! Every group had to make a blue print of what we were going to make we had to include our home all the little things that we were going to include on our blue print! We all had soooo much fun working in our groups! Everyone is almost half way done with their project. The home is the most important thing everyone wants to get done!

I hope you liked it and have a great rest of the day! J

 By: Hannah Snyder

Native American projectJ

Native americans progect Naïve American progects are really fun. There are 5 groups pacific north/ west  south west/ great basin  plains/ eastern woodlans . we make our houses with all this cool supplies.like clay bark wood rocks sand playdoh and plasic or foam bols.one of the groups did a seanery with
Jwaterfall and mountins and a sun the pacific north west lives close to the beach so they ate alot of seafood.all the other groups hunted and farmed.most of the groups had cool weather so they made blankets out of animal fur and skin .one of the groups in their reaserch they gave people presents on their birthday.they all ate a lot of fresh food like corn/beans/squash/fish/elk/ deer and a bunch of veggies.native American progects are so much fun with all the cool groups::J

Native American projectJ
By: El

Here are the final homes and writing reflections!

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