Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Week at a Glance-November 30th-December 4th

Welcome back!! I hope that all of you had a wonderful and restful Thanksgiving Break!

Here's a peek at my Thanksgiving break... :)
I had so much fun spending Thanksgiving Day with my wonderful, crazy family enjoying food and fellowship together!

My sweet husband, Jordan, and I picked out our Christmas tree and started decorating our house for Christmas!!

I loved cheering on the Tigers as they beat Carolina in the rivalry game and remain undefeated (12-0) and #1 in the nation!! Go Tigers!!

Now here's what we will up to in room 402 this week!

Ride the Weekly Wave:
Math-We will continue practicing strategies for long division  for 3 x 1 and 4 x 1 division problems through hands-on activities and guided math stations! We will test this week.

Reading-We will focus on story elements and introduce Greek/Latin roots ast, cycl, gram, meter, phon, photo, scop, them, act. We will explore these roots in Guided Reading stations! We will test this week.

ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we will have mini-lessons on capitalization and learn how to write tall tales.  

Social Studies- We will be learning more about what caused the American Revolution and why the Declaration of Independence was written

Science- Phases of the moooooooon-We will be learning about what causes moon phases through hands-on activities! 

 Anchor Down for Upcoming Tests:

·       Thursday- Test on Story Elements *Be able to identify story elements in a new story
·       Friday- Test on Dividing 3 or 4 digit by 1 digit numbers with remainders
·       Friday-Greek/Latin Roots Test (-ast, -cycl, -gram, -meter, -phon, -photo, -scop, -them, -act) *Study TIPS chart and flash cards
·       Friday-Math 4 Today #19 Test *Study M4T #19 practice sheet  

Homework for the Week:
(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

·       **Graded papers signed/returned by Tuesday!!**
·       Monday-Make Greek/Latin roots flashcards
·       Division HW Practice throughout the week
·       Read 2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night
·       Study every night for tests!

AHOY…Announcements Ahead!
·       Saturday, December 5th- Polar Express Pancake Breakfast
·       Friday, December 11th-Doughnuts for Dad (4th Grade) @ 7 AM
·       Tuesday, December 15th- PTA/4th Grade Christmas Program @ 6:30
·       Friday, December 18th-1/2 Day and Christmas Parties **Christmas break begins!! J

Crew Member of the Week Check out Natalee Wall’s tweets! @mrsburns19girls
Natalee Wall is our star student this week for showing the character traits of KINDNESS, GENEROSITY, and COMPASSION in the classroom this week!! Natalee is a mighty girl role model because she is always kind and encouraging to others!! J

100 BC Goals


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Mighty Girls Outreach

Our sweet 3rd and 4th grade mighty girls volunteered today at the Upstate Family Resource Center sorting and packing food boxes to send to needy families in our local community for the holidays!

Love these girls and seeing their precious servants' hearts for helping others! Mrs. Hall and I are so proud of you!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Week at a Glance-Week of November 16th-20th

Ride the Weekly Wave:
Math-We will continue practicing strategies for long division through hands-on activities and guided math stations! We will continue to practice how to divide with remainders. We will test this week.

Reading-We will finish reading and test on Wonder as our mentor text for our Choose Kind PBL as we focus on story elements in Wonder and within guided reading stations. 

ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we will be having mini-lessons on how to write with infographics and capitalization.

Social Studies- We will test on Slavery/Indentured Servants  and the Triangular Trade Tuesday. We will continue learning about the Road to the American Revolution.

Science- REACH FOR THE STARS! We will continue our unit on Astronomy this week as we learn about what causes day and night. We will test this week. 

 Anchor Down for Upcoming Tests:

·       Tuesday-Test on Slavery/Indentured Servants (*Study notes on Triangular Trade, Slavery, Ind. Servants in SS NB)
·       Thursday- Test on Dividing 2 digit by 1 digit numbers with remainders
·       Friday-Astronomy Test #1 (Study notes on Earth, Sun, and Moon, seasons, and day/night)
·       Friday-WONDER FINAL TEST (Review Kindness Website, Vocabulary, and story elements)

Homework for the Week:
(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

·       **Graded papers signed/returned by Tuesday!!**
·       Monday-Triangular Trade HW
·       Division HW Practice throughout the week
·       Kindess Pledge Sheet-due Wednesday
·       Read 2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night
·       Study every night for tests!

AHOY…Announcements Ahead!
·       Wednesday, November 18th-Thanksgiving Lunch (12:40-1:10) *Return envelope with enclosed $$ to attend
·       Thursday, November 19th Mighty Girls Outreach at Upstate Family Resource Center 3:00-3:45 **Return permission form by Tuesday!!
·       THANKSGIVING BREAK-November 25th-27th

Crew Member of the Week
Check out Ally Davis’ tweets! @mrsburns19girls
Ally Davis is our star student this week for showing the character traits of CREATIVITY, COMMUNICATION, and CURIOSITY in the classroom this week!! Ally is a mighty girl role model because she always has creative ideas and questions to share!! J

100 BC Goals


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Brattonsville Field Trip


My silly girls :)


Hiking the Nature Trail 

Learning about the Revolutionary War...should she be a Loyalist like her husband or a Patriot like her brother??

Wool is used to make clothing. 

Learning how to march with muskets 

Ready, Aim, FIRE!

What did Martha Bratton use to heal the wounded soliders??

Tomb of Martha Bratton 

The tomb of Watt, the slave, who warned the Brattons about the loyalists coming!

The Bratton Plantation House with my group of girls!

What a school house looked like in the 1700's 

The  Plantation Dining Room 

Ringing the bell 

Girls/Parents, Post a comment sharing what you learned on the field trip by next Tuesday for extra credit on the Slavery Test!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

"Meteors make an impact on the moon or planets, and kindness makes an impact on your heart."

As we are learning about the surface of the moon and its' craters, we conducted an experiment about how the craters were formed. We dropped "meteorites" onto the surface of the "moon" to test how height affected the width of the crater. We also integrated this idea with our CHOOSE KIND PBL, and  the girls predicted how meteors relate to kindness. 

Each group had a measurer, dropper, recorder, and director to test the meteorites!

The experiment definitely worked because we had a little "moon dust" to clean up :)

"I learned that the higher you drop a meteor, the bigger impact it makes because when we dropped it 90 cm it made a crater 10 cm wide." -Natalee W.

We also reflected on how meteors relate to kindness because it makes an impact that spreads. I LOVED what Hattie's answer was...

"Meteors make an impact on the moon or planets, and kindness makes an impact on your heart." <3

Solar System Cereal

We have started our new unit on ASTRONOMY (Astr=star) this week!!

Our Inquiry Table that the girls can explore!

I wonder...how far are we from the sun??

Here were some of the girls' predictions that they recorded in their Wonder Journals: 
3,000 miles
1,000 miles
100 miles
10,000 miles

Well...actually we are much, much farther. Earth is about 90,000,000 miles away from the Sun!! WOW! To represent this, we created a solar system out of cereal. 1 cheerio= 30,000,000 miles, honeycomb=the sun, fruit loops=the planets. 

After building our solar systems, we drew the model in our notebooks and recorded the distances. We are just a small part of our BIG solar system!