Sunday, November 8, 2015

"Meteors make an impact on the moon or planets, and kindness makes an impact on your heart."

As we are learning about the surface of the moon and its' craters, we conducted an experiment about how the craters were formed. We dropped "meteorites" onto the surface of the "moon" to test how height affected the width of the crater. We also integrated this idea with our CHOOSE KIND PBL, and  the girls predicted how meteors relate to kindness. 

Each group had a measurer, dropper, recorder, and director to test the meteorites!

The experiment definitely worked because we had a little "moon dust" to clean up :)

"I learned that the higher you drop a meteor, the bigger impact it makes because when we dropped it 90 cm it made a crater 10 cm wide." -Natalee W.

We also reflected on how meteors relate to kindness because it makes an impact that spreads. I LOVED what Hattie's answer was...

"Meteors make an impact on the moon or planets, and kindness makes an impact on your heart." <3

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