Sunday, November 8, 2015

Week at a Glance-November 9th-13th

Ride the Weekly Wave:
Math-We will continue practicing strategies for long division through hands-on activities and guided math stations! We will continue to practice how to divide with remainders.

Reading-We will finish reading Wonder as our mentor text for our Choose Kind PBL as we focus on story elements in Wonder and within guided reading stations. We will test on vocabulary from Wonder this week.

ELA/Writing-In Writer’s Workshop, we will be having mini-lessons on how to write with infographics. In a writing station, we will finish writing letters to R.J. Palacio, the author of Wonder.

Social Studies- We will continue learning about slavery v indentured servants and the Triangular Trade through hands-on activities. We will test on Slavery/Indentured Servants next Tuesday.

Science- REACH FOR THE STARS! We will continue our unit on Astronomy this week as we learn about how the Sun affects the Earth and wonder about what causes seasons.

Anchor Down for Upcoming Tests:

·       Friday- Wonder Vocabulary Test (Study Wonder TIPS Chart #4 in Reading notebook and note cards made for HW)
·       Friday- Math 4 Today #17 Test (Review Math 4 Today #17 Daily Practice checked in class)
·       Next Tuesday-Test on Slavery/Indentured Servants (*Study notes on Triangular Trade, Slavery, Ind. Servants in SS NB)

Homework for the Week:
(please refer to your child's agenda daily for more details-this is only an OUTLINE of what to expect):

·       **Graded papers signed/returned by Tuesday!!**
·       Monday-Make Wonder vocab. cards due Wednesday
·       Division HW-due Tuesday
·       Read 2 steps (30 minutes) for 100 BC and sign Reading Log *every* night
·       Study Multiplication flashcards (missed fast facts) or practice facts on Multiplication Times Table App 10 minutes *every night* & sign log

AHOY…Announcements Ahead!
·       This Thursday, November 12th Brattonsville Field Trip. **Make sure that you do not have any outstanding lunch or ABA fees to attend. **Please return lunch choice for the Field Trip and check the weather!
·       Wednesday, November 11th- Veteran’s Day Program @ 9:00 AM
·       November 18th-Thanksgiving Lunch (12:40-1:10) *Return envelope with enclosed $$ to attend

100 BC Goals


Crew Member of the Week
Check out El’s tweets! @mrsburns19girls
El is our star student this week for showing the character traits of KINDNESS, COOPERATION, and PERSEVERANCE in the classroom this week!! El is a mighty girl model because she loves giving up her time to help others and always works her hardest in group projects or independent work!! J

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