Friday, November 21, 2014

Boston Massacre C.S.I.

This week, our 4th graders became DETECTIVES to investigate the "Case of the Boston Massacre..."

During the Boston Massacre, it has been proven that the British soldiers shot and killed five colonists. What has NOT been proven is...was it for SELF-DEFENSE or was it MURDER??? In order to solve this case, our detectives needed to examine lots of evidence.

The evidence included: 

  • Primary Source documents of illustrations of the Boston Massacre from different witnesses' perspectives 
  • Snowballs and clubs that were used during the Boston Massacre
  • CRIME SCENE with body outlines of the 5 colonists
  • Considering that the crime scene took place during the winter, at approximately 9:00 PM
  • Four eyewitness accounts from different perspectives (a slave, a soldier, and colonists)-We had to analyze the similarities and differences to see if the accounts gave more evidence for murder or self-defense.
The girls had to gather evidence from BOTH sides and record it in their "Detective Notebooks." After detailed observations, they carefully analyzed the evidence and made a final decision!


Crime Scene DO NOT ENTER

Investigating the colonists...

Investigating the crime scene.."A cold winter night at 9:00 PM..."


Analyzing primary sources



Listen to one of the eyewitness accounts HERE

As a class, we shared the evidence and came to a group decision. We believe that, after careful analysis from both sides, the case of the Boston Massacre is....MURDER!!!

What do YOU think-did the British soldiers commit murder or was it merely an act of self-defense?? Post a comment below with your opinion and evidence!

1 comment:

  1. murder or self defense I say it's murder because in every picture they were shooting directly at the patriots it could have been a mistake because it was dark but it looked like MURDER
