Monday, November 10, 2014

Historic Brattonsville Field Trip!

Check out what we learned about the American Revolution on our field trip to Historic Brattonsville!

Ahh we surrender! 

Re-enacting the Martha and Watt picture

Class picture at the Bratton's plantation house


Husking corn

Plantation Animals

We even learned how to march with muskets!

Hearing from Mrs. Bratton about different medicines used during that time period. 

Which side would you have chosen-LOYALIST or PATRIOT?? Post a comment below!

Also, stay tuned to hear from some student bloggers about the exciting things that we learned :)

We went on a field trip and we were talking about the Patriets and the Loyalests.  And we were talking about how they would fight in the war and stuff. My favorite part was when we got to see in the parts of the houses. And the slaves had a smaller house than the slave owners. And we got to use a protiend   gun and the guy would shut it. And it was loud it was like Boom!!!!!!!! And I got I hide behind was like   a   Earthquak   just hit the ground.

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